Thursday, December 11, 2014

Noosa National Park

This morning we went to Woolworth's in Noosaville for groceries.  I thought Woolworth's was a department store, but here all they sell is groceries.  We discovered Milo, which is probably the best cereal ever.

After lunch we drove to the main beach in Noosa.  We made sand art and battled waves.  Very nice sand beach and good sized waves.  Great for the kids!

We took a 5km hike along the coast and saw some amazing views.  The coast is weathered and eroded granite, so it reminded us a lot of the coast at Killbear at Georgian Bay, but the waves made some amazing erosion patterns in the rocks.

We saw some koalas in the trees along the way and chatted with some Aussie tourists and locals.  Everyone here is so nice!

We stopped at a lookout and had a picnic dinner before we headed back.  The daily thunderstorms were moving in so we drove back to Ivory Palms Resort, got cleaned up and had a movie night with the kids.

Tomorrow, Uncle Steve arrives and the kids are super excited.  Hopefully the rain stops and we can get back outside to see some more sights.


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