Friday, January 2, 2015

The Long Way Home (January 2nd, the day that went on and on and on....)

We were up at 8:00, finished packing and walked to the train station (much easier going down).  The line ups at the international terminal were much bigger than the domestic ones we'd been spoiled with over the last month but we eventually got through.  We took off at 12:25pm on January 2nd and arrived in Vancouver at 7:40am on January 2nd.  I think Dave and I might have slept a couple hours and the kids weren't much better.  In Vancouver we got off the plane, zig zagged through what seemed like the whole airport to get our bags, clear customs, then recheck our bags, walk through another endless maze to finally get on the exact same plane which had moved to a different gate.  We even had the exact same seats (minus Grandma who caught a flight to Calgary).  After sitting that long a walk was probably a good idea but it was a bit of a blur.

The flight to Toronto was also pretty uneventful followed by another airport stroll and a last quick flight to Ottawa.  Avery finally crashed just before landing and we had a hard time waking her up to get off the plane.

Our brother-in-law and Curtis were nice enough to come pick us up and welcome us back to the cold.  The kids had a blast playing with Sir John A. MacDonald.  I tried to get a picture of all 3 of them but all my camera phone got was 3 blurs so we just have the posed ones.

If you can't tell from the last picture - they were a bit wired at this point.  We were home 27.5 hours after getting up in Sydney with only a couple hours of sleep.  All things considered I'm shocked it went as well as it did.

Some final stats -
- 31 days
- over 5000 photos
- over 500 videos
- 36700 km flown
- 3300 km driven on not-right side of the road
- 260 km by train
- 170 km by boat
- 40430 km total (355 km more than the circumference of the Earth)

It was an amazing adventure.  Now to start saving & planning for the next one :)

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