Sunday, November 30, 2014

Australian Slang Bingo

The kids asked me what language they speak in Australia, so being an oh-so-witty Dad, I said "Australian, of course".  They asked for some good Australian words so they could practice, and the only thing I could come up with on the spot was "Crikey!".

They asked me to use it in a sentence, so channeling my best (not so good) Steve Irwin, I exclaimed "Crikey!  The bloody great croc bit me arm off!!"

Now, of course I know that nobody would say that "down under" (they don't even say "down under"), so I was curious about what sayings are real and common, and which ones are holdovers from Crocodile Dundee, Simpsons and old Energizer commercials.

So we are going to try some Aussie Slang Bingo when we are down there to see what is real and what isn't.

Add some guesses in the comments if you think you know what some of theses are, and if you can think of any more, feel free to respond (especially if you are qualified).

Aussie Slang Bingo
Exclamations Insults Salutations Things Food
Ace! Bugger G'Day Esky  Cocky's Joy
Stone the Crows Stickeybeak Ta Torch Rasher
Grouse Piker Free Space Speedo Biscuits
Strewth! Yobbo Hooro Cuppa Sanga/Sanger
Ripper Bludger Toodle-o Pressies Rice Bubbles

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